Automatic antenna tuner kit N7DDC ATU-100

i found some tweets about N7DDC ATU-100 automatic antenna tuner kit. very affordable. seems good for my portable opreation.

Ordered from amazon. delivered in about 10 days. maybe imported from china. surprisingly no manuals or documents!

N7DDC GitHub

当局が買ったのは7x7であった。The kit i purchased was "7x7". not "mini".

i found a tweet saying that troids are fake. i decided not to exchange.

コイルの巻き数などは回路図に記載されている。太い線はすべてコイル用。「タンデムマッチ」の巻き方がわからず進めなかった。BN43-202がT1, T2になっている。しかもコアが二つ入っておりそれぞれT1T2なのか!? PICのファームウェアも入っているのか不安。
thick wires are for troids and free-standing coils. i did not know how to wind "tandem matches" T1 and T2. there seems very limited info in the internet about the tandem match. I was also wondering the PIC firmware was surely stored in the chip. (No prob. Worked wo no additional firmware installation.)

I understood that the "tandem match" coil is for a directional coupler for power and SWR meters but was not how to wind the core in this case. Finally i found OZ9F web site. Use thinner wires. Primary "turn" is a piece of core of 50 Ohm coax.

Kit assembling itself was not very complicated. Connection of the display board to the mainboard was a litle bit mess.

[Board] ---- [OLE]
MCLR (open)


I use this ATU in my portable operation with a fishing-rod antenna. Works very fine. No significant heating of coils while operating CW with a transmission power of 50W. Pretty happy.

This is a Smith chart for ATU-100 that I calculated and draw based on the circuit diagram provided by N7DDC. Some data points can be missing.

inserted by FC2 system